Bioenergy Opportunities

The Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff (BioMAT) Program is a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) procurement program initiated to encourage the development of small bioenergy projects.

Eligible generators can enter into a standard contract with 3CE at a price set by a market-based mechanism.

Program Requirements

Projects must meet the following eligibility criteria:

For more detailed eligibility guidelines, please review the CCA BioMAT Tariff.

BioMAT Program Categories

Category One: Biogas from wastewater treatment, municipal organic waste diversion, food processing, and co-digestion

Category Two: Dairy and other agricultural bioenergy

Category Three: Bioenergy using byproducts of sustainable forest management

How to Apply

  1. Review the Tariff to determine whether you are eligible for the program.
  2. Register with the program through 3CE’s BioMAT Portal.
  3. Complete the application within 3CE’s BioMAT Portal by submitting a Program Participation Request (PPR) form and selecting 3CE as your CCA.

Eligible generators wishing to participate must apply through the BioMAT portal to receive a queue number. Once submitted, 3CE will review the PPR within 20 business days. Applicants will then have 10 business days to cure any missing information. Once the application is deemed complete, the applicant will receive a queue number based on the date and time the PPR was received, and the applicant will be eligible to participate in Program Periods within its Fuel Resource Category.