Opt Out of 3CE

What to Know Before You Opt Out

Nearly 94% of electricity users in your area stay with 3CE for renewable energy options at a cost similar to PG&E’s or SCE’s. But if you prefer to choose PG&E or SCE as your electricity generation provider, we are here to help you. Before we finalize your enrollment in PG&E or SCE, we want to share the following information with you:

3CE generation charges are not an additional cost. They simply replace PG&E or SCE generation charges.

We know that energy bills can be complicated. You are not being charged an additional fee for 3CE service. All electricity statements include generation, transmission, and delivery. 3CE provides generation services in place of PG&E or SCE for the communities we serve. The separation between these charges is shown on the utility’s Delivery Charges Page and the 3CE Generation Charges page.

As shown in the sample PG&E bill below, the Generation Credit shown on the Delivery Charges page is the amount that PG&E or SCE would charge for the service that 3CE provides. If you choose PG&E or SCE, the Generation Credit will change to a Generation Charge and you will be billed that amount.

Want to save money? Connect with a customer service representative to explore opportunities to reduce your bill.

If you are interested in learning about discount programs and payment assistance options, we are here to help guide and support you.

PG&E and SCE charge a Transitional Bundled rate for the first six months following an opt-out. This rate is based on current market rates, which are volatile and often more expensive.

Rate Implications of Opting Out

Option 1 – Opt out of 3CE at the start of the next possible billing period.

This option will return you to PG&E or SCE generation rates at the beginning of the next applicable billing cycle. 3CE will stop billing you for electricity generation services, which will be replaced by PG&E or SCE electricity generation services billed at the transitional rate for six months. The transitional rate is based on energy market prices and can vary over the six-month period; these rates may be either higher or lower than standard rates. After this transitional period, your electricity generation charges will be based on PG&E’s or SCE’s standard bundled rates. For more information on the transitional rate, please contact PG&E at (866) 743-0335 or visit pge.com/assets/rates/tariffs/tbcc, or contact SCE at (800) 655-4555 or visit https://www.sce.com/regulatory/tariff-books/rates-pricing-choices/pricing-information.

Option 2 – Opt out from 3CE with a Six-Month Advance Notice to PG&E or SCE.

By providing PG&E or SCE a six-month advance notice that you intend to return to their service, you will be excluded from the above transitional rates. Customers selecting this option will be transitioned to PG&E or SCE six months after the opt-out request. At the conclusion of the six-month period, 3CE generation charges will be replaced by PG&E’s or SCE’s standard bundled rates.

State Law Prohibits a Quick Return to 3CE’s Services

If you’ve used 3CE service for 60 days or more and then switch to PG&E or SCE, state law dictates that you must remain with PG&E or SCE or for at least one year before you have the option to return back to 3CE, even if 3CE costs less than PG&E or SCE.

Opt Out Frequently Asked Questions

Why was I enrolled in 3CE’s generation service?

Historically, investor-owned utilities have been the default service provider for customers in their jurisdictions. However, in 2002, when state legislators passed California’s Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) law, this default status was transferred from the investor-owned utility to the local community choice aggregator (CCA) when available. 3CE is California’s first operating CCA program. The original CCA legislation, seeing the wisdom of collective community action, mandated that the customers residing in the service area would automatically be enrolled, unless they chose not to participate by opting out.

Is there a fee to opt out?

There is no charge for opting out of 3CE before or within the first 60 days of service. Opt-out requests after 60 days of 3CE service are charged a one-time administrative fee ($5 per residential account; $25 per commercial account).

Can I return to 3CE after I opt out?

If you opt out within the first 60 days of 3CE service, you can return to 3CE service at any time. If you’ve used 3CE service for 60 days or more and then switch to PG&E or SCE, state law dictates that you must remain with PG&E or SCE for at least one year before you have the option to return to 3CE, even if 3CE costs less than PG&E or SCE.

If You’d Still Like to Opt Out

We’re sad to see you go, and we hope you’ll consider returning in 12 months, once you are legally permitted to re-enroll. A Customer Success Advisor will call you to confirm your request and effective date. 

You may request to opt out of 3CE electric generation service at any time by calling our Customer Support Center (1-877-455-2223) or using the buttons below. Please have your PG&E or SCE account information on hand to process your request.