Terms & Conditions


From time to time, Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) must provide “Terms and Conditions” of service to customers and potential customers. When necessary or appropriate, it is the policy of 3CE to include the following terms and conditions language for that purpose:


Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) electric generation rates are managed with the intention of providing clean and renewable energy at competitive rates.  Any changes to rates will be adopted at a duly noticed 3CE Policy Board meeting. 3CE serves customers in both Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) service territories. Changes to PG&E or SCE rates may impact any cost comparisons between 3CE and PG&E or SCE. PG&E and SCE charge 3CE customers a monthly Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) and Franchise Fee Surcharge. 3CE accounts for these additional charges in calculating rates. View 3CE rates and PG&E or SCE cost comparisons online or call (888) 909-6227 for more information. These rates and cost comparisons may change over time. Financial assistance programs like CARE (California Alternative Rates for Energy), FERA (Federal Electric Rate Assistance), and Medical Baseline Allowance are the same for 3CE customers and Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs), including PG&E and SCE. If you were enrolled in any of these programs with an IOU before being enrolled with 3CE, those programs will continue to apply to you as a 3CE customer.


Depending on the location of your service account(s), you will receive a single monthly bill from PG&E or SCE that includes charges for 3CE’s electric generation and PG&E or SCE’s electric delivery. 3CE’s electric generation charge replaces PG&E’s or SCE’s electric generation charge. 3CE’s charge is not a duplicate charge or extra fee. If you opt out of 3CE service, PG&E or SCE will resume charging you for electric generation. 


3CE serves 27 cities and four counties in Monterey, Santa Barbara, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties within PG&E’s service territory.  3CE is also the primary electricity service provider in the cities of Buellton, Carpinteria, Goleta, and southern unincorporated Santa Barbara County within SCE’s service territory. If you opt out of 3CE and return to PG&E or SCE electric generation service any time after you are enrolled, your electricity account(s) will be subject to PG&E’s or SCE’s transitional rates based on energy market prices and other terms and conditions of service. Accounts within 3CE’s service area are automatically enrolled with 3CE’s 3Cchoice clean and renewable energy service offering unless the account holder chooses to opt out or opt up to 3Cprime, 3CE’s 100% clean and renewable energy service offering. Account holders may request to opt out at any time. Account holders who wish to sign-up for the 3Cprime service offering can opt up via the website or by calling (888) 909-6227. Please have your PG&E or SCE account information on hand to process your request. 

Opt Out

You may request to opt out of 3CE at any time by calling (888) 909-6227 or by visiting 3CEnergy.org/opt-out/. Please have your PG&E or SCE account information on hand to process your request. There is no fee to opt out before your 3CE service starts or within 60 days after your 3CE service starts. After that time, there is a one-time administrative fee, $5 for residential accounts and $25 for commercial accounts. Please be advised that if you do opt out and return to PG&E or SCE, you will not have the option to re-enroll with 3CE for a full year and will be subject to PG&E’s or SCE’s terms and conditions of service. For information on PG&E’s or SCE’s terms and conditions, visit pge.com or sce.com. Accounts will be transferred on the day the electric meter is read and cannot be transferred during the middle of a billing cycle. Opt-out requests received at least 5 days prior to a customer’s meter read date will be processed for that meter read date; all other opt out requests will be processed on the subsequent meter read date. Customers who opt out or otherwise stop receiving service from 3CE will be charged for all 3CE electricity used before ending 3CE electric service. 

Failure to Pay 

3CE may transfer your account to PG&E or SCE upon 15 calendar days’ written notice if you fail to pay your bill per 3CE’s Delinquent Accounts & Collections policy. If your service is transferred, you will be required to pay the termination fee described above. 

Customer Privacy Policy 

3CE’s policy on Customer Confidentiality can be found at 3CEnergy.org/privacy-policy/ or by calling (888) 909-6227