Plan Your Fleet
3CE is committed to assisting Member Agencies electrify their operations. To address barriers for public fleets, 3CE is proud to announce a new program called Plan Your Fleet. The purpose of Plan Your Fleet is to help Member Agencies plan for the fleet-wide transition to zero-emission vehicles and installing charging infrastructure. Member Agencies can receive the following services, depending on goals and needs:
- EV charging recommendations, designs, and engineering
- EV fleet planning
- Funding and financing recommendations
In addition to technical assistance, 3CE also provides incentives to Member Agencies to help pay for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure through its Electrify Your Fleet and Charge Your Fleet programs.

Why Plan Your Fleet?
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality
- Assist with compliance for Advanced Clean Fleets
- Reduce planning costs
Who is Eligible?
EV fleet and charging infrastructure project planning is open to all Member Agencies on a first-come first-served basis.

Interest Form
If you are interested in taking advantage of this program and learning more about the no cost technical assistance services it offers to Member Agencies, please complete this form. Interested Member Agencies must prepare for the application process in advance by putting together a fleet inventory list (vehicle VINs and odometer readings). Use the data collection template below.
More Info
Additional Rebates
Contact Us: 1-877-455-2223